María de los Ángeles Sánchez Pérez
What is an alliance in International Relations?
- The agreement includes rules that seek to make international trade more inclusive, so that it is a tool that benefits citizens more clearly.

In this small section we will broadly address what an alliance is within International Relations, starting like this, with the definition of "alliance", since in the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE), it tells us the following:
- f. allying action,
- f. Set of nations, governments or people that have allied and
- f. pact, agreement or treaty that includes the terms in which they are allied two or more parties." 1)
It is clear that only the meanings closest to what we want to know within this term have been taken as a reference, since as can be seen, within this idea, the word "alliance" has as a synonym the following words "agreement, treaty or pact", being these, widely used within the RR. II., given that for these alliances to occur, it is necessary for the nations to relate to each other, these links will occur in economic, political, social, environmental matters, among others, bringing benefits between the nations with which they have agreements .
Historically, the relationships that have existed between States have been of vital importance for their development, since there is a record of alliances or agreements between cities dating back to 2500 BC. ancient peoples (Egypt, Babylonia, Assyria)”2 . In our continent, in the same way, 2 alliances, since "the pre-Columbian Mayan, Zapotec, Inca, Olmec, Teotihuacan, and Aztec peoples had already reached a high level of political, economic, and cultural development," the union that existed between the peoples was to be able3 to achieve mutual benefits, due to the fact that they were oriented primarily in political, economic, religious and military matters, these being the most relevant elements and which played an important role in relations between States.
For several centuries, the alliances created by the countries were innumerable, since structures were founded through treaties or alliances, as well as "international organizations that constitute new subjects of international law"4. In the 20th century, it is when there is a greater boom in terms of international treaties, thus creating two important agreements, such as the League of Nations (1919) and the San Francisco Charter (1945), another of one of them is the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties, just to mention the most relevant of the century.
At present, international alliances or treaties, which tend to predominate, highlight the economic aspect, are called trade or trade agreements, these types of alliances occur mainly with the arrival of the phenomenon of globalization, in addition to seeking, what are you alliances are strategic and competitive; It is worth mentioning that a "commercial or trade agreement is an agreement that establishes two or more countries under the protection of international law and with the objective of improving their relations in economic terms and commercial exchange"[5](https://www .gob.mx/agricultura/articulos/tratados-comerciales-un-punto-a-favor-de-mexico).
An example of these alliances are those that our country has, since today, our nation has 14 international trade agreements, one of them is the Trans-Pacific Partnership Progressive Integration Treaty (TIPAT), the participating nations are: Japan, Canada, Peru, Chile, Vietnam, Malaysia, Singapore, Brunei, New Zealand, Australia and Mexico, this agreement "creates the conditions to allow increased trade and investment in both ways with new partners in the Asia Pacific, the region showing the most dynamic growth rates in the world.
The agreement includes rules that seek to make international trade more inclusive, so that it is a tool that benefits citizens more clearly. In this sense, the TIPAT includes provisions related to cooperation, SMEs and anti-corruption rules”[6](https://www.gob.mx/tratado-de-asociacion-transpacifico/articulos/el-tipat-entra-en-vigor -and-opens-new-markets-for-mexico-186182)
At present, alliances have been and will be part of International Relations, being these a perfect complement that throughout history have allowed relations between nations with different geographical locations, but with the same purpose, thus allowing the growing interaction between states.
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