Saúl Gopar Ensáztiga
Mariana Danae Pérez Becerra
Tannya Iran Estrada Castillo
Mexican Local Diplomacy Newsletter August 2021
- Information bulletin on the international activity of Mexican local governments carried out in August 2021.

With great pleasure, the Local Diplomacy Studies Coordination (CEDL) of the Mexican Center for International Relations (CEMERI) presents to its readers the ninth edition of the International Actions Bulletin of Mexican Local Governments for the month of August.
During this month, the actions of economic reactivation, tourism, environment, and related to the recognitions granted to the local governments of Mexico for various practices and actions taken in order to benefit its population are highlighted.
Specifically, in the northwest region, it stands out that the Tijuana Migrant Care Director, José Luis Pérez Canchola, reported that 15 civil society organizations, linked to his Directorate, joined the dialogue table "Tijuana, migrant city ".
In the northeast region, we can point out that the Ministry of Economy, the Mexican Association of Secretaries of Economic Development (AMSDE) and the US Mexico Foundation celebrated the signing of the collaboration agreement. The purpose of the agreement is to carry out social orientation programs through the education and training of AMSDE members and employees on issues of the United States-Mexico bilateral relationship.
For the western region, we can highlight that the Ministry of the Environment and Territorial Development (Semadet) of Jalisco participated in the international seminar "Findings and lessons learned from the CityAQ project, air quality forecasts", organized by the World Resources Institute ( WRI). Semadet collaborates in the CityAQ project, developing city-scale air quality forecasts, thanks to local data monitoring with NASA satellite models.
Regarding the eastern region, it should be noted that the governor of the state of Puebla, Miguel Barbosa, received a visit from the Ambassador of South Korea in Mexico, Suh During the meeting, the idea of integrating a trade agreement between Puebla and South Korea was raised in order to build a solid relationship to develop commercial, economic, cultural and educational projects.
In the north-central region, it is worth noting that the San Luis Potosí City Council has instituted applicable practical methods with the collaboration of the European Union delegation in Mexico, which has extensive experience in strategies for the social prevention of violence and crime. The objective is to give both issues the attention they deserve with a metropolitan, regional and comprehensive vision.
In the central south region, it stands out that, with the aim of increasing knowledge ties in tourism, exchanging information and experiences on the development of policies, strategies, as well as promoting tourism, the Mayor of the city of Medellín, Colombia, Daniel Quintero Calle and the Secretary of Tourism of Mexico City, Carlos Mackinlay signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU). The coordinator of Advisors to the Head of Government, Diana Alarcón, and the Vice President of Tourism, ProColombia, Gilberto Salcedo, also participated in the virtual meeting.
For the southwestern region, it should be noted that the Collaboration Agreement was signed between the Tuxtla Gutiérrez City Council and the Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) with the aim of formalizing cooperation ties. The agreement will allow technical consultancies and the strengthening of institutional capacities to be carried out, for the planning and implementation of resilient urban infrastructure and ecological mobility projects.
Finally, in the southeast region, it stands out that the Mérida City Council, through the Municipal Planning Institute, was selected to participate in the Adelante 2 program, promoted by the European Union, to strengthen triangular cooperation with Latin America and the Caribbean with the general objective of contributing to the achievement of the 2030 Agenda of regional cooperation initiatives towards a more inclusive and sustainable development.
As time progresses, the actions of Local Diplomacy begin to diversify and have the rhythm prior to the events of the year 2020, with which this bulletin reaffirms its importance in documenting and keeping a record of these actions.
Without further ado for the moment, the CEDL team hopes that this document will be of interest to you.