Saúl Gopar Ensáztiga
Mariana Danae Pérez Becerra
Local Mexican Diplomacy Newsletter May 2021
- Information bulletin on the international activity of Mexican local governments carried out in May 2021.

As has happened since the beginning of this year, the Local Diplomacy Studies Commission (CEDL) of the Mexican Center for International Relations (CEMERI) presents to its readers the monthly newsletter of international activities carried out by local governments from Mexico.
The preparation of this document has found different circumstances that make it difficult to search for such activities due to the electoral process that the country is going through, which has forced different official communication media to close their web pages due to the electoral ban. However, as in previous installments, the CEDL team achieved its mission by finding and collecting these different international activities.
Regarding the Northwest region, we can highlight that the executive coordinator of the Chihuahua Cabinet, Jesús Mesta Fitzmaurice, and the Mexican ambassador to Germany, Francisco Quiroga Fernández, led the meeting "Business Opportunities in Germany", which was attended by state officials and business leaders from the city of Chihuahua, in order to promote the entity in that European country.
In the Northeast region, the "Rutas de Coahuila" project obtained the 2020 Excellence in Tourism Award within the framework of the International Tourism Fair in Spain. The Governor of the entity, Miguel Ángel Riquelme Solís, commented that this distinction places Coahuila on the international map with the best route of its kind in the world, in addition to demonstrating its tourism potential and the synergy of teamwork between the Government and society.
Regarding the Western region, as part of the Unesco Network of Creative Cities, the Government of Guadalajara invites Guadalajara artists to participate in the City to City: Play! through which they will be able to collaboratively create pieces of media arts in virtual collaboration with artists from 14 cities around the world.
In the Eastern region, with the aim of exchanging experiences between subnational governments and the private sector in terms of carbon neutrality, the Ministry of the Environment and Territorial Development (Semadet) participated this Thursday in the virtual seminar "High Level Dialogues Net -Zero: Mexico" organized by Bretfin UK.
Regarding the North Central region, it is worth mentioning that the Undersecretariat for Social Prevention of Crime of Zacatecas, together with the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) belonging to the UN, will work on the "Your Digital Footprint: Take a Pause and Connect Responsibly" campaign to develop security strategies on six topics: cybersecurity, privacy, sextortion, sexting, cyberbullying, and grooming. The state government is also financially supported by Norway.
In the Central South region, it should be noted that the Ministry of Economic Development and Labor (SDEyT), through the Council of Science and Technology of the State of Morelos (CCyTEM), met at the facilities of the Science and Technology Park of the State of Morelos (PCyTM) with the representative of the Center for Industrial Technological Development (CDTI) of the Ministry of Science and Innovation of Spain in Mexico, Germán Casal Arcau, with the aim of creating collaboration networks with Research Development and Innovation projects and initiatives ( R+D+i), between Morelos and Spanish companies, through an approach of methodologies, a process coordination mechanism and identification of areas of interest, prioritizing the companies installed in the Science and Technology Park.
For the Southwest region, within the framework of the international cooperation project between CAP Nord and the government of San Cristóbal de Las Casas, a free videoconference was held for all citizens on solar panels and water collection. It was also reported that, in the first days of June, other events related to agroecological practices would be held at the Agroecological Training and Training Center.
Finally, in the Southeast region, the National Hydrocarbons Commission (CNH) reported that it had chosen the third of 3 proposals to modify the German company Wintershall Dea's plan to recover the volume of hydrocarbons obtained in previous years during the period from June 2021 to December. of 2042, with an investment of 771.8 million dollars (mdd).
With regard to the electoral period that ends the weekend in which this bulletin is published, from the CEDL we consider it relevant that the candidates for popularly elected positions, especially mayors, keep in mind the type of international actions that Mexican municipalities are currently carrying out, since in this way they will have a basis to carry out their own local international actions, also depending on the characteristics of their territorial demarcation, with which this document becomes more relevant
We hope that the information below is of interest to you, and we also appreciate the attention given and the support given to this project.